
June 05, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Post-Trails-Day, I celebrated what I think was a success with—what else?—a hike. My destination was a long-time favorite, Lantern Hill, and up at the top, I was blessed with the sighting of a number of dragonflies performing all of their aerial tricks of the trade close to me. One, in particular, seemed to delight in hovering, and the odonate appeared to be suggesting that if I gave it a try, the ode would stay in one place long enough for me to get a good motion shot. These are often close to impossible: a real challenge for the autofocus mechanism of a dSLR. I didn't even try to use the Sigma, which, without a monopod for support, would have been all but impossible to pull off. But with the 55-200mm, I managed to zero in, focus on a tiny glint, and capture the flier. I'm not sure who it is, although there were Blue and White Corporals in the vicinity, but whatever its identity, I thank the ode, to say nothing of my hands and camera equipment, for cooperating.


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