Spotted wintergreen, Hoffman
More than occasionally, botany drives me crazy... particularly when my memory about botanical relationships doesn't quite jibe with reality. This Spotted Wintergreen is an excellent example of why what you think you know has to frequently be checked against what is known. During recent walks, I practically gushed about this plant, now in exquisite flower, and how it's related to both Common Wintergreen and Round-leaved Pyrola. In a broad-brush sense, I'm more or less right, since all three plants are, by most authorities, placed in the Heath Family. But Spotted Wintergreen, whose leaves have no smell, is closer to the Pyrolas—you can tell that by looking at the flowers of each species, which are very similar—than to its namesake Wintergreen, whose leaves are wonderfully aromatic and whose flowers are bell-shaped, like those of a Blueberry. How this naming confusion arose I haven't been able to discover. I'm hoping that I won't help continue this botanical conundrum.