Brand new ode, Ell Pond
I'd stopped by a local pond to scan the emergents for odonates, and there was something odd about this one that really caught my attention. Its eyes tell me it's a skimmer, and from the markings on the abdomen, I was pretty sure it was one of the meadowhawks. But it seemed incredibly delicate to me, its wings in particular, and I had to look very carefully at it to make sure it was actually alive. It definitely moved a little under its own power, so I documented it then moved on to other odes. I gave it another look back home, and it was there that I discovered just why it appeared unusual. I'd completely missed the exuvium visible just to the right of the ode and that, of course, told me that the reason for the insect's delicacy was because the meadowhawk had just emerged from its larval case and completed the metamorphosis into a nearly adult state. This teneral odonate would need several more hours of "hardening" before it was ready to test its wings... and try its luck.