Parent Osprey and fish, Henne
I was on Osprey fledging patrol at the Henne refuge this afternoon, and, yet again, I noticed one of the young birds in the nest. Since I'm not there throughout the day, I can't be sure if this is the same bird I've seen—the recalcitrant flier—or if it's the nestmate, the one I know has flown and may just be coming back "home" from time to time to be fed. In any event, I have a feeling that mom and/or dad is/are getting a little perturbed and are trying to get both youngsters in the air. As I watched and listened to the nestlings chattering, seemingly to their parents, one of the elders cruised over the marsh with a fine fish in its talons. The kids quickly noticed and made excited "Feed Me" whistles, but instead of sailing into the nest with dinner, the adult flew overhead a couple of times and then headed to the trees at the outer edge of the marsh. I took this as a not-too-subtle way of telling the kids: "You want dinner? Come and get it!" The youngsters, though, weren't taking the bait and stayed put. The volume of their now aggrieved-sounding cries increased—those "life is not fair" whines. Maybe they're truly getting the message.