Last pit stop

September 26, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Perhaps last RTH, homePerhaps last RTH, home

Every day, when I watch the still-filled nectar feeder outside the kitchen window, I expect to see, well, nothing... the untouched sugar water that would be a clear indication that our Ruby-throated Hummingbirds have finally decided to take their leave of the ridge and head south. But every day, I've been surprised to see an RTH, either a female or a subadult of no-determinable-sex, show up at the faux flowers and drink its fill. The little gem was here again at around noon, and it paused long enough to enable me to grab the camera and document the surprise continuation of its stay. Usually, they're gone by the arrival of the autumnal equinox, but so far, not even the first cold snap has convinced them to depart. Until the last one bids us adieu, I'll keep plenty of nectar on tap... and my eye out for a hummer whose wings are almost as long as its tail: a sign that our visitor is not the common RTH, but a much more rare species with bad direction-finding skills... or just plain bad luck.


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