Somewhere, there was an Inauguration. I didn't go. I couldn't watch. I didn't approve of the Inaugurant, who, predictably enough I discovered later, ranted about a country at the edge of the Apocalypse... a country I don't actually know. While it would have been possible to hold my nose and watch—in celebration of our democracy's peaceful transfer of power (and that is certainly something worth celebrating)—I'm apologetic because I just couldn't bring myself to the party. It wasn't about Party. This was about fear over what the Party of Lincoln—Lincoln, no less—and the Divider-in-Chief plans to do the not-so-United-States and a land that no-longer-feels-like-our-land. Instead of joining the pomp and circumstances, I opted to walk the beach, which was quiet, chilly, mostly empty, and, for the moment, peaceful. There was a thick fog and I couldn't really see into the distance.