Still glorious

January 07, 2017  •  1 Comment

Old Glory, BoombridgeOld Glory, Boombridge

There are some shots I love taking each and every year, and this afternoon, as Winter Storm Helena was at her glorious peak, I was cross-country skiing up our country road and going past one of my photographic landmarks. It was far too snowy to risk taking my less-than-weatherproof dSLR outside on this trek, but the all-weather little Fuji has long been up to the task of traveling with me through monsoons and blizzards. As what I hope is a hopeful metaphor running counter to what I fear is the growing tide of hopelessness, "Old Glory" in a nearby field was still waving gloriously in the white gale sweeping up the coast. May this time-honored symbol of the "land of the free" continue bringing that reminder to the president-elect—not elected by me or a majority of Americans, but so it goes, sometimes—and tell the Donald that he is not, in fact, the Don. He might want to spread that word on Capitol Hill.


Never give up hope! There's always a chance that there are enough intelligent heads in our government, even Republicans, to overcome the possible excesses.
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