Contemplating robbery

October 15, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

When I spotted what I figured was one of the vast collection of predatory insects known as Robber Flies on a Hydrangea leaf, I had scant hope that the Asilid would still be there when I raced inside to get the camera. But for reasons that will continue to baffle me, it not only remained in place, but it just didn't seem inclined to move at all. The day was fairly warm, so temperature wasn't an issue. There wasn't any prey in the immediate neighborhood those large eyes could scan. And the insect, which appears to be a member of the Genus Efferia, does not, as near as I can determine, lay its eggs—from the shape of the terminal end of the abdomen, I'm pretty sure this is a female—on Hydrangea foliage. So I simply don't know why it was so cooperative a model. Maybe it was just old and less inclined to move than it might have been earlier in its life. If this proves the case, well, I understand. I certainly understand.


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