Resting place

October 01, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

The Canada Geese hunters, whose guns boomed through the newly harvested corn fields yesterday, were quiet today, as the first segment of hunting drew to a close on September 30th. Given the overpopulation of Canadas, it's hard to begrudge the nimrods their harvest, and wildlife biologists are pretty convinced that the cull is a boon to the species health of Branta canadensis. However,  it's hardly good for a number of individual birds with less than perfect flight skills. On a late-afternoon walk, I ran into a farmer friend whose shorn fields had played host to geese and hunters alike. Their retrievers, he told me, had missed one bird, and I might want to check it out in the farm pond. It was, he said, easy to spot. No kidding, I would learn. Nor was I the only creature who'd found it—and put it to good use: a vantage point for Painted Turtles.



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