Still on the move

October 05, 2017  •  1 Comment

As is the pattern, right after I dropped off all the refuse at the town dump... OK, the Transfer Station—and, as usual, more recyclables than trash, thank you very much—my reward was a trek up Lantern Hill. It was, as always, a fine walk, complete with close-up sightings of Turkey Vultures and distant sightings of Ravens, both catching rides on the rising thermal currents spawned by the warm afternoon temperatures. I heard a few songbirds, spotted just one or two dragonflies, and observed the very first signs of leaves starting to light up the still-broad stretch of hardwoods below the summit. But the best part of the hike was a patch of goldenrods on the east side of the peak that were alive with activity, both hymenopteran and lepidopteran. There were lots of bumblebees, honey bees, and paper wasps busily gathering nectar and pollen, as well as numerous Painted Lady and Monarch butterflies hanging around and fueling up. The Monarchs were just glorious, back-lit by the later-afternoon sun, and as they danced in the breeze, they showed no real sign of getting ready to depart on their epic journey to Mexico. I know, and I'm sure they do as well, that the apparently endless summer weather can't stay and they'd best starting flying southwest, but who could blame them for hanging around another day or two?


It's surprising how many Monarchs there are this year.
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