Conjoined leaf twins

November 18, 2017  •  2 Comments

Right after the first frost, which actually occurred on the 9th of November, that morning warmed up quickly, and, in the vast majority of cases, there was no damage done to the plants. What really buoyed my spirits was that I could get up and, for the first time since I left the hospital, document everything, from the advent of ice crystals to a pair of conjoined Carolina Allspice leaves. Well, everything within a close distance to the house. Still, this morning also marked the first time that I actually walked down our rural road. I'd been confined to the yard, but today, armed with the cell phone, I got brave. I seem to have done fine, and my ability to look closely at the natural world and zero in on details doesn't seem to have suffered. Praise be.


Hooray!!! A few yards a day.
Great! Hang in there!
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