I haven't seen or heard a partridge, which are native to Europe, Asia, and Africa but are sometimes introduced to North America as game birds, around here, neither on the ground, the air, nor, as the song goes, in a pear tree. But I often find their namesake plants, which grow low on the forest floor and sometimes feature bright red berries which, I suppose, would entice any partridges that happened to be in the area. Today, in the nearby woods, I was hunting for members of the Mitchella repens clan for a project that did not involve bird finding. I'm putting together a terrarium that will mostly feature various mosses and liverworts, but I thought that a vine or two of Partridge Berry would make the moss garden more realistic. M. repens is easy to propagate from cuttings, so, when I found a place with abundant plants, I brought a couple of snips, complete with roots, back with me to add to my in-glass recreation of the local woods, leaf-litter edition.