I'm still sticking to the roads for my walks—it's necessary to keep from stopping every few minutes to take pictures—so I'm not coming up with the usual plethora of images. But if I have time after I've finished the aerobic part of my day, I have been heading into the nearby woods to "capture" local flora and, if I'm really lucky, fauna. Of course, most of the plants have called it a season, but one prominent survivor is the Spotted Wintergreen, a pretty, but not wintergreen-scented, plant that laughs at winter cold and stays green all year. Chimaphila maculata has a long history in folk medicine and was said, by Native Americans, to cure gallstones and kidney stones, work against rheumatism, and combat sores and wounds. Definitely a good plant to have around. Oh yes, it's quite pretty, which gives it the power to help heal the cold season blues.