Striders and satyrs

February 08, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

When I got up this morning and let the cats out, the first thing I noticed was the insane warmth, more April than February, and the surprise calls of courting Titmice. The temperature went up from there, and when it was time to walk my neighbor's dog Freida along a backwoods trail, it was nudging 60. I was feeling awakened, and I wasn't the only one. On a still-water section of the Noah-sized stream, I noticed the calmness broken by the skating of a Water Strider! The resurrection of these so-called "Jesus Bugs"—the name comes from their ability to walk on water—normally coincides with a late Easter in April, and I've never seen striders so early. I also noticed another bit of magic, quite in keeping with the mood accompanying the record-setting untimely warmth. From the looks of the bottom half of the image below, it also appears that the satyrs are coming to life. The blood is certainly stirring. Of course, I'm too old for such things, so maybe I'll just settle for a bike ride.


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