Almost ready arbutus

March 31, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

The weather today was completely not conducive to walking, particularly with a camera, with cold rain, even a bit of snow, persisting from morning through the night. So, instead of subjecting my equipment, both body and dSLR, to the elements, I stayed inside and worked. I also culled through the rest of yesterday's non-hawk images and located the shots that had brought me up Lantern Hill in the first place. To be sure, I was there for a good walk, and the promontory rarely disappoints. But I also had a biological purpose in mind, and that was to see if any of the patches of Trailing Arbutus sported blossoms. This incredibly hardy, leather-leafed species abounds in pockets of acidic soil that have accumulated between the boulders near the hilltop, and it is always one of the first plants in our area to bloom. I had my doubts I'd find it this early, particularly given the fact that March, despite the warm start, had stayed unnaturally cold and snowy, the white retreating only a few days ago. Sure enough, my inclination was correct, and the Arbutus was not fooled by a bit of sunshine. Still, it's clearly getting ready for business, and if the weather starts being a bit more cooperative, the 85mm micro is going to get a workout.



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