Reluctant green

March 17, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Ice teeth, moss, HomeIce teeth, moss, Home

Saint Patrick's signature accomplishment—ridding the homeland of serpents, dangerous and otherwise—will certainly not be needed this afternoon, the advent of the celebrations, great music and green beer included, that will take place to honor the good man. To be sure, the legend about the snakes is metaphorical, since there weren't any snakes in Ireland to be eliminated, and on St. Patrick's Day, there aren't any serpents around our neighborhood, either. For reptile activity, it's still too darn cold, with plenty of snow on the ground and icicles persisting on the rocks and roof eaves. In a few favored places, however, it is becoming appropriately and magically green, as a combination of fairly abundant moisture and daytime temperatures that have risen well enough above freezing have perked up the mosses and, where the snow is gone on the rocks, created gorgeous nature gardens worthy of a spot in the Emerald Isles.


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