Last weekend, when we were all together for the Fellman Family Passover Seder, my grandson Lucas and granddaughter Stasia took a meal break to go on a frog hunt. I was too busy being the host to join them, and, in truth, it was so chilly that I didn't think they'd be successful. But Stasia got lucky and found a Gray Tree Frog hidden under some moss, and they were exceedingly excited to show off their amphibian treasure. Luck took several more days to smile on me, but while I was busy in the afternoon doing yard work, I spotted this fine fellow trying to avoid detection while perched on a maple limb. I've heard the dry, long trills of Tree Frogs off and on, so I know they're traveling, some by hopping, others by a more aerial route, in the direction of their courtship and nursery ponds. Most are beginning to move with all deliberate speed, but this guy seemed to be in no particular hurry. He didn't take off when I jostled the limb in trying to photograph him at close range, and tonight, he was still in residence, clinging to the same maple branch. Maybe he's blase about the breeding business. Or maybe he just needs a bit more time to get in the mood.