It's a good thing I'm still fairly flexible, since, at this point in the spring, I'm spending an inordinate amount of my outdoor time hunched over and as low to the ground as possible. The reason, of course, is that I'm searching the leaf litter for signs of emerging wildflowers, and one of my favorites is this one, the Starflower. Trientalis borealis, as the pretty little thing is known to botanists—the genus name is a Latin adjective said to mean "that contains a third of a foot" and is perhaps a reference to the Starflower's height, which is about four inches—is a plant of sevens: typically seven petals, seven stamens, seven sepals. I guess that also means that it's a plant that exudes good luck. If so, I'll take it. These Starflowers are the first to bloom, and there'll be plenty of others in the next month or so. I hope, if nothing else, the stars of the leaf litter show convey the kind of luck that keeps my back supple and the Deer Ticks at bay.