For yet another collection of probably not very good reasons, this was not a walking day, except, I have to admit, down the aisles of various stores and supermarkets, around the home grounds several times, and down a short path to photograph Double-crested Cormorants still hanging out on some dead trees in the Pawcatuck River. On my way home from the semi-, I hope, aerobic shopping expedition, I trekked across the street from where I'd parked the car to check a local swamp for the presence of ducks. Since I was carrying the heavyweight Sigma supertelephoto, I guess this constituted exercise. It also constituted a surprise discovery, for no sooner did I start scanning the shoreline than I found a pair of Canada Geese trying to keep their unruly flock of about 10 kids in line. My first thought, when I spotted the downy goslings, was, "Oy, just what we need, more darn geese..." And that's not entirely inappropriate, since the population of this exceptionally successful species is entirely out of control. But my second thought, on watching the fat, fuzzy youngsters clipping the fresh shoots of grass, put ecological concerns aside and may well have been your thought on seeing the shot. It was, of course, "awwwww..."