Protection from poke

June 22, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

We're going to have to work on her hedge shears technique, but there's no denying my granddaughter's enthusiasm! When I told Stasia, who is staying with us for a good part of the summer, that there was gardening work to do and yes, she was now old enough to use the "big scissors," as she called our ancient but still working shears, she was, well, "Let me at 'em." Today's job called for cutting down some overly exuberant Poke plants, and while I have to admit to being a fan of what many gardeners see as a noxious weed, I didn't want Poke to be growing in the vegetable garden. So, after a quick lesson in how to be careful with cutting tools, I pointed her towards the "enemy" and, while watching closely, let her go. I didn't criticize the upside down orientation of the shears. This worked for her and, without any prompting from the overseer, she got that job done and was ready to tackle the next weed.


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