Jumping treasure

August 02, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Once again, a non-hiking day due to work overload, but my granddaughter Stasia and I managed to get outside for a while to enjoy the home field and woods after I'd finished the necessary toil. In the blossom of one of our numerous Day Lilies, we discovered a fingernail-sized Jumping Spider, and it held our attention as it tried to hide from us. The jittery way it moved and the arrangement of its two pairs of front-facing eyes—it also has two pairs atop its head—told me it was a member of the spider family Salticidae, but beyond that, I was out of my taxonomic pay grade. It did, however, have what I suspected was a distinctively marked abdomen, so later that evening, I made a deep dive into the spider section of the Web and, thanks to BugGuide—of course!—came up with a tentative ID. I think, based solely on its match to the BugGuide pictures of the abdomen, that it belongs to the Paraphidippus genus, and if I had to come up with a species, I'd say aurantius. But precision in spider identification is very tricky and usually requires deft surgery to excise the diagnostic genital apparatus, so I'll leave that for another life. We left the spider, whatever its true species, to live and hunt in peace.



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