This wasn't a walking day, what with persistent showers, so I worked reluctantly inside. I did manage to get outside at night, however, and on my way home, I saw some eyeshine reflecting in my headlight as I worked my way up the driveway. Usually, the source of the shine is hard to determine, since as soon as the creature sees me, it bolts in panic. But the source of the reflection wasn't going anywhere—it was, I discovered, "playing possum" and frozen in place. It was also, I saw as I moved closer, playing literal possum, since the animal was, in fact, a real Opossum. This tree hugger was a little guy, no doubt one of the surviving members of the Native Marsupial Class of 2017, but while it appeared to be climbing OK, I noticed, as I looked more closely, that it also seemed to be injured, with what looked like a laceration behind its right leg. There wasn't, alas, much I could do to help, so I wished it luck and quickly went inside to avoid harassing it any more. I hoped it would heal, and when I returned a half hour later, it was gone. Good luck, little guy... maybe I'll see you at the compost pile later this summer and beyond.