Serenity prayer

August 31, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

If an amphibian could ever be said to look serene, then I think that term would be a completely appropriate description of this young Gray Tree Frog that I found resting on a leaf overlooking the dry creek that could, if the owners wanted this to happen, become a suitable millrace to turn the mill's great grinding stones. I'm guessing that the sound of creaking gears and rushing water would break the frog's calm mood and cause it to scurry elsewhere, but I suspect the youngster somehow knows that its serenity will not be disrupted by the sounds of commerce. The mill, which used to be opened for business every September to turn old-fashioned White Cap Indian Flint Corn into traditional Johnny Cake Meal, has been silent for years, and there's scant likelihood that we'll ever hear it rumble back to life again. Sigh... so the frog's quiet pondering of life in general will not be interrupted. It can calmly remain where it is, no doubt hoping that the moderately annoying observer will go away—and a delicious insect will amble within eating distance.



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