
September 22, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Sometimes, you're just in the right place at the right time... and you're paying attention to the right things. So it was that, as I was walking down our driveway to fetch the mail—not exactly a natural history trek—I happened to look at a small Cherry that was growing next to a Beaked Hazelnut I often check for a look at its weirdly shaped nuts. The Hazelnut's not bearing this year, but on the Cherry leaves was one of the strangest caterpillars I've ever seen. The handsome larva was clearly in yoga mode and doing what I guess would be called Cat Pose. In fact, it looked like it had whiskers and a long tail—feline-like, indeed. The utterly bizarre "kitty-pillar" is the larval form of one member of a group of moths known as Prominents, which is certainly an apt name for this youngster. This particular species, which dotes on Cherry leaves, is called the White Furcula. I'm guessing that the cat posture has some sort of predator deterrent effect. It certainly gave me pause.


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