Summer just doesn't want to quit, and with the temperature in the upper 80s this afternoon, I finished up the work that needed to get done and headed for the beach at Napatree Point in Watch Hill. Of course, this was not entirely a pleasure trip, for there was definitely something on my natural history monitoring agenda. According to my calendar, there should be birds and insects on the move, though why anyone would want to leave on such a glorious day is, at first glance, surprising. But the natural world has different mandates, and both the shortening days and sudden abundance of Seaside Goldenrod blossoms is sending one strong message to the Monarch butterflies and other lepidopterans: Get Going! The human beachgoers were staying put, soaking up the sun, and humming the theme song from The Endless Summer. The Monarchs were humming another tune. Fill up on nectar. Get strong. Don't be fooled. Get ready to get out. Mexico beckons. Start heading southwest.