Porcelain problem

October 12, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I had to be in New Haven today, but I had some time and good weather on the way home, so I stopped at one of my favorite places, the Salt Meadow section of the Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, to trek through the woods, along the salt marsh, and by the New England Cottontail management area. The tide, in the wake of the recent tropical storm's passage offshore, was exceedingly high, so there wasn't much to observe by the water, but the woods were alive with small birds, one of which was, perhaps, a Ruby-crowned Kinglet—sigh, no picture... There were also plenty of Common Green Darners working the sunshine, but none of the odes... insert another sigh here... were cooperative, so I had to settle for a shot of something rooted, pretty, and, I would learn, exceedingly pernicious. In the areas cleared for the bunnies, an ultra-invasive known as Porcelain Berry is taking advantage of the abundant light and lack of competition. The berries certainly live up to their "china" name, but they've got to go. I'm sure they're on the refuge manager's "not wanted" list.


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