Sometimes discoveries require drives to somewhat distant trails followed by long hikes to likely spots. Other times, all that's needed is paying attention of details very close to home. This is one of the latter cases: a short trek to the woodpile roughly 50 feet north of the house. I don't know the identity of these red ants, but as I walked past a series of boulders that mark the edge of the driveway, I noticed the insects swarming on the rock surfaces and on an old bracket-mushroom-invaded log that served as an entrance to their subterranean nest. It was clearly mating time, since, along with the red workers, the surfaces were also hosting almost black, winged drones that would soon be launching themselves skyward in search of virgin females who will also be on the wing and, well, in the mood. These energetic workers in the photo don't, alas, get a chance at reproduction. Their job is to ensure that the nest remains a fine place for raising their relatives and keeping out would-be intruders. One of them apparently thought I was dangerous and bit me. I backed off.