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March 29, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but an awful lot of the joy I've experienced recently in the natural world is the deep satisfaction and, yes, equally deep joy—almost crying for joy—that I've felt because I can now get out into nature and help people make new discoveries. Oh yes... and be able to, once again, make my own discoveries. So this morning, even though I was groggy and my knee still hurt from the Incident on the Exercise Bike at Cardiac Rehab, I pronounced myself ready for a return to the University of Rhode Island's W. Alton Jones Campus to work with the Environmental Education Center's field teachers—brave young men and women all who lead elementary, middle, and high schoolers into the woods—and provide insights that might prove useful in their teaching. They were a wonderful bunch, and I hope our walk proved as useful to them as it did to me. Such is the way with teaching, or, at least, attempting to teach: you get back far more than you give. May I always be able to open eyes and ears—the other senses are fine, too—to something new! (And, praise be, my cranky knee kept its opinions to itself.)


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