Wild turkey trot, Palmer's
Whether you call it the Green Falls (plural) or Green Fall (singular) River, this well-known trout stream runs fairly close to my home and is often on my walking route. There's a wide spot on both sides of its passage under a very modest state highway, and, at this time of year, this eddy is a great place for waterfowl, as well as, in the thickets on the banks, for sparrows, wrens, and other small songbirds. There's often a Red-tailed Hawk guarding the landscape, but this afternoon, a squadron of about a dozen Wild Turkeys watched over the area and kept everyone in line... including the lesser members of the group. But it's getting close to spring, and with turkey hormones flowing, the males simply can't prevent themselves from, periodically, showing off to assert their authority and their attractiveness. That old expression, "Shake a tail feather," well, here's where it comes from... here's the original.