When Stasia was owlet-watching and fine-tuning her spotting scope skills a couple of days ago, she also watched me taking pictures of the mini-Great-Horned-Owls with the oversized supertelephoto lens and said that she hoped to do some photography one of these days. Well, I said, how about today? I never decommissioned my first digital camera, a Fuji 3800, and though I hadn't taken it out of the case for several years, I remember that it still worked back then. Of course, any modern cell phone camera would eclipse the Fuji's capabilities, but the dear device took pretty good images and it just might be Stasia's passport into photography. I put in four fresh batteries, and, praise the gods of technology, the 3800 came to life. The 6X zoom worked; the 3.2 megapixel sensor, which was, in 2002, considered rather impressive, captured photons and turned them into images on an ancient xD card; and Stasia got the hang of focusing the lens and clicking the shutter, which made an audible snap. There were definitely pictures on the LCD screen, and, to judge from her smile, there was also a good chance that I was watching the newest inductee into the photographic fold.