Dogwood days

May 16, 2018  •  1 Comment

When my wife Pam and I got married on this very date in 1982, the wild dogwoods were in bloom and were a featured floral in the natural bouquets that our friends created for us. Given global warming playing hob with blooming schedules, Cornus florida now typically flowers about a week earlier than it did in the 80s, and, with the inadvertent introduction of the often lethal Dogwood Anthracnose fungus—the scientific name Discula destructiva says it all—into the woods in the 1970s, we're lucky to have any Dogwood blossoms at all, in sync with our anniversary or not. Maybe the fungus is on the wane, maybe the chilly spring was beneficial: for whatever reason, this May, we've been blessed with an abundance of Dogwood flowers at just the right time. We're still married. We're still loving the display.



A belated happy anniversary!
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