This afternoon, instead of trekking, I was working in the garden planting spinach and peas, while my wife Pam was on weed and dandelion-destruction patrol. In the Mountain Laurel thicket, she spotted something little and bright skulking among the evergreen leaves, and when the bird showed itself in a patch of sunlight, we were both dazzled by the colors. Without any real hope for success, I raced into the house to grab the camera, which, fortunately, had the Sigma 100-400mm still attached, and, as quietly as possible, raced back to the garden. Amazingly, the mystery bird was still skulking. My first shots proved to be nothing much, beyond perhaps enabling us to get an ID of a gem that was mostly in the shadows. But this guy seemed to want his picture taken and was soon working the brighter, sun-dappled parts of the thicket in search of insects. As the warbler posed and often sang, I took bursts of images. Here's the best of the keepers: a very nice shot, if I do say so myself, of a Magnolia Warbler. We'll have to see if he simply dropped by on the way north, or if he's intent on sticking around.