Botanical yard sale

June 22, 2018  •  1 Comment

Summer is officially here and that can only mean one thing: time to get in the car and drive 90-plus miles northwest to visit White Flower Farm for the once-a-year Tent Sale! We certainly are never the only ones with this idea, and, as usual, the place was packed with gardeners and gardening bargains. The ample display gardens, of course, were just about perfect, and everywhere we looked, there were new ideas for plants and paraphernalia that would work in our mostly shady venue. Surprisingly, there were very few butterflies and dragonflies working the blossoms. I usually wind up with lots of good insect pictures while I'm enjoying the flowers and foliage, but this year, I had to content myself with acres of green leaves and blooms of every imaginable hue. Not the worst thing, of course... just different.


Nostalgia. We visited yearly when we lived in Ridgefield. Just a short drive.
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