Meager magnificence

June 14, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

No surprise here: it hasn't been a good year for Mountain Laurel flowers. The patch in our yard along the edge of the woods barely bloomed at all—a sharp contrast to the previous two Junes, during which "spectacular" was a completely inadequate description of the floral show. In 2018, I could actually count the flowers... and I barely needed the fingers on both hands. Nor was the paucity just our Laurels. The Kalmia latifolia extravaganza was not too extravaganz in any of the usual spots, either. That said, there were Laurel blossoms in a few favored places, and while I can't know just why K. latifolia grace was present in some locales and not others, I'll take floral grace where I can find it.


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