Great gold

July 18, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Gooseneck Lysimachia, which hales from Japan and China, is a fine garden perennial to have around. It's got these pretty sprays of white flowers arranged in a manner that suggests the arch of a goose's neck, the plant is relatively well-behaved and easy to grow, and, as a genuine plus, it attracts all manner of insects. There are the butterflies, of course, along with hummingbird moths and even genuine hummingbirds.  But one of the stars of any flower show is the Great Golden Digger Wasp. The golden part comes from the array of precious-metal-colored hairs on the insect's thorax, and the critter also bears striking red and black body segments. Sphex ichneumoneus is a large and fierce predator, and always on the prowl for grasshoppers and other orthopterans that it will waylay, sting into submission, and carry to an underground nest burrow it has excavated. There, the wasp will deposit an egg on the prey and her youngster will eventually dine on the unfortunate victim. If all goes well, come next summer, there'll be a new generation emerging from underground to haunt the Goosenecks.


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