I'm usually pretty good about living up to this endeavor's charge and making time for natural history observations and photo-documentations every day... but this day isn't going to be one of them. On a fine morning for trekking, my wife and I instead headed over to Middletown, Rhode Island, past an array of great nature spots, to a wonderful eating spot called Kempenaar's Clambake Club. There, I celebrated my 50th high school reunion. How could it have been half-a-century since I left the hallowed halls of Classical High in Providence?...—hallowed and, to be honest, almost terminally dingy, halls that no longer exist; we were the last class to graduate from the now demolished yellow-brick school. But the calendars don't lie, and the Class of 1968 does indeed have a 50-year history. The food was great, the company sublime, and the stories, well, we all looked pretty good for our age and most of us seemed to have done quite fine. I can't wait to celebrate our 100th.