A hint of autumn

August 17, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

It's hot. It's humid. There's no end in sight, and anyone thinking about taking the flannel shirts out of cold storage... or the body out of air-conditioned storage... is being delusional. Still, if you know where to look, there are signs that a change might, just might, be in the offing. Historically, the first break in the Dog Days often occurs in the next week or so, and, aside from the long-range predictions from the National Weather Service—the NWS has indeed forecast the arrival of a cold front, but not for several torrid and sticky days—there are indications, from the botanical world, of a shift. The first Wood Asters are in bloom, but that is simply an indication of the plant taking measure of the declining hours of sunlight and putting forth its signature white flowers. That said, if the sun's starting to lose its oomph, well, maybe there's hope. Maybe the heat-wave-beleaguered among us may soon see a measure of relief.


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