The Harvest Moon, the full moon rising over the landscape closest to the Autumnal Equinox, won't be here for quite some time—fall officially arrives on the 22nd, and the HM is in place on the 24th—but the local dairy farmers have decided that it's time to start cutting the silage corn, the mainstay of Holstein food through the winter. It's been a good year for corn, and the drought-induced hiccup in the growing season was short-lived and book-ended by more than enough rain and heat to bring the yellow grain up to, as they sing in Oklahoma!, the proverbial "elephant's eye." Well, happily tall. And now, with more summer warmth in the forecast, the tractors are being fired up, the corn choppers fine-tuned and attached, the collectors readied to receive the bounty of the fields, and the large dump trucks on call to collect the harvest and bring it to the storage area. When the fun begins, you can hear it—a persistent whine that carries up from the bottomlands and tells the listener to head to the farms to document and celebrate.