Sometime last year, I bought a bag of "organic potting soil" that was at clearance prices at one of the local hardware stores, but, no doubt because heart surgery left me pretty much out of the gardening loop—If nothing else, I wasn't allowed to lift the 40 pound bag—I never got to use any of the "black gold." When I tried to use it in the spring, I discovered, alas, it truly was organic... and had spawned a fine crop of mold. With regrets, I ditched the contents by the side of a woodland trail and forgot about it. Today, when I was walking by that very spot after yesterday's monsoon, I noticed something truly unexpected. That mold had a name and had birthed a fine collection of Shaggy Mane mushrooms. Coprinus comatus, or, the Lawyer's Wig, as the common fungus is also known, is on the "Edible, Choice" list... with one caveat. It autodigests itself with almost shocking speed, quickly turning potential dinner into a disgusting mess of black slime. I'd best get cooking... fast.