Sometimes, a not very good photograph can serve a very useful purpose, and so it is with this shot of a Hairy Woodpecker. The bird was on the ground taking advantage, along with more than a dozen members of a mixed flock that included House Finches, Juncos, Titmice, and Chickadees, of some mixed seed I'd placed under the sunflower feeder, and my avian freeloaders were packing in the calories in advance of what might be a serious winter storm. The possible outcome foretold by the Weather Channel was growing increasingly dire throughout the morning, but by afternoon, there was doubt in the air. Maybe Winter Storm Harper would bring us a lot of snow, or, the Hairy Woodpecker seemed to be saying, maybe I disagree. By later in the day, the meteorological seers seemed to be adopting the bird's viewpoint and forecasting yet another downpour-and-wind event.