Beginning around 11 yesterday evening, the full Wolf Moon, a "supermoon," incidentally, entered the Earth's shadow and, under perfectly clear skies, proceed on a post-midnight journey towards a total eclipse. I was hoping to take lots of photos and then composite them into one of those classic shots, but in the wake of a truly vicious cold front and powerful gale, I not only couldn't get my camera gear to function well, I couldn't get my body to perform in the frigid air. I came close to frostbite in my cheeks and fingers and, not long after the witching hour when the moon was completely eclipsed and in that glorious "blood" phase, I had to call it an experience. I did get one undistinguished copper-colored image, but when I tried to composite the collection into faux time-lapse, I somehow couldn't figure out the proper procedure. Here's the best I could do: not what I'd had in mind but a good memory of an amazing event.