Hardy flier

January 09, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

The weather is still warmer than usual, and the moths remain on the wing, at the back porch lights, and lining the hardwood trunks. When I spotted this resting lepidopteran, my first thought was that it was one of the hordes of Winter Moths that are currently thriving at this late date. But for some reason I looked a bit closer than would be typical for a Winter Moth and noticed those white marks on the outside edge of the front wings. Operophtera brumata, while similar in size and shape, doesn't bear these marks, but after quite a bit of searching, I found a species that does: Alsophila pometaria, the Fall Cankerworm. Both have those curiously flightless females, and the males of both species are also adept at following odor trails to find possible mates, who will lay eggs that are similar in one other important respect: the spring-hatching caterpillars can be major pests.


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