I'm not, by nature, a fast driver, but today, when I was coming home from a walk, I was on a narrow, twisty road and driving even slower than usual. Because of my lack of speed and because I was paying close attention to my surroundings—no surprise there... paying close attention is what I do for a living, to say nothing of a life—I noticed a hawk hovering not more than 15 feet away and not much higher than Prius-top height. I stopped, and the hawk remained in hovering mode. Fortunately, the Sigma 100-400mm was on the camera and the dSLR was within quick reach on the front seat. I rolled down the window, took aim at the bird, and started "shooting" away, capturing a burst of images of what, as the raptor obligingly flashed his tail in my direction, was clear a Red-tailed Hawk. The buteo may be exceedingly common, but a great look is, without a doubt, a reward for persistence... and slowness.