Small stuff

January 04, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

One of my favorite activities for the local conservation organizations I happily serve—besides leading nature walks—is to participate in biological surveys to catalog the flora and fauna of existing or proposed refuges. My newest "job" has been to document a preserve known as the Pequot Audubon Sanctuary that will soon become part of the Avalonia portfolio, and Pequot, it turned out, was a place I'd walked often, since it abutted my daughter and son-in-law's property. However, we didn't, my grandsons and I who frequented the land, mostly wetlands, know that it was actually a preserve and always feared we were trespassing... not that such fears stopped us. Now that we no longer have to worry about such things, I engaged my two younger grandsons, Ezra and Lucas, to lead me through the sanctuary—they were really the pros—to discover the terrain. One find was this pretty and mini waterfall that was created by a Birch root which snaked across a temporary and now exuberant stream.


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