Many, many years ago, when I was something of a wedding photographer, one of the most fraught moments of the day was the moment when the happy couple fed the first slices of cake to each other. You could almost tell how the marriage would go by how the feeding transpired. If it was tender and gentle, there was hope that the union might last; if it was rough and unpleasant—I've seen couples literally try to shove cake down each other's throats—I often thought about including the name of a good divorce attorney in my invoice. Well, during today's mini-snowstorm, I watched the natural world's cake-feeding ritual equivalent as a male Cardinal fed sunflower seeds to his presumptive mate. He did an exemplary job, and, in celebration of both the snow and, I suppose, the eventual mother of his kids, the nuptial gifts were presented with grace and care. It was a pleasure to watch and photograph.