Hot-blooded flier

February 05, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

I tend to think of moths as warm-weather friends, but the truth is definitely otherwise. Some incredibly hardy moths not only like it cool, they like it cold and have adaptations that enable them to be active on just about any winter night that the temperature is above freezing. Since that has been the case recently, what with the February Thaw in residence, I expected a visit from these well-insulated Owlets Moths and, sure enough, the kitchen porch lights proved an irresistible lure. I'm not sure which species this is—I'll let you know when, and if, I come up with an ID—but I know that the group of insects that biologist Bernd Heinrich, our modern Thoreau, dubbed "hot-blooded moths" on account of their magical ability to raise and regulate their body temperature, are finding these chilly nights perfect flying weather.


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