Night dance

February 21, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Professional and personal busy-ness—business—kept me confined to indoor quarters all day, but I got out in the evening and documented... well, what? If this was a night scene from July or thereabouts, you might mistake it for one of those splendid, long-exposure shots of fireflies working the evening, and I would then be moved to issue a thank-you to Lynn Frierson Faust and Sara Lewis for their splendid books that helped me learn lightning bug biology and identification. But it's the cold season and the only Lampyrid Beetles I've spotted are the dark ones, the Winter Fireflies, that have lost their lamps over evolutionary time. So, no lightning. Instead, I'll tell you: this is the dance of a group of illuminated fairies in my granddaughter's elementary school version of Peter Pan. Stasia was too young to be involved, but she was mesmerized by the "ballet." Maybe next production she'll be dancing.


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