Not-yet Mayfly

April 19, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

More rain... yet more rain... so not really the best of outdoors days. But at night, with a mist still in place, I was able to shelter my body and my camera under the kitchen porch roof and watch as a small squadron of adult Mayflies came to the lights and the shingles for an early visit. I had seen larval members of the ancient insect order Ephemeroptera—so named because the adults generally live for only a day or two: mating, laying eggs, then dying in droves—in Bubbling Spring at Alton Jones earlier in the month, but I didn't expect to spot the grown-ups until their namesake month. However, as is rapidly becoming the norm, the adults have already started to make their presences known. Here they are: by their three tails, ye shall know them... even in April.


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