On every trek, except, I suppose, the ones that stick close to the shore, I amble by a group of ancient plants known as mosses, and though, over the past several years, I have undertaken an effort to learn the identities of the numerous bryophytes along my paths, I'm not as far along as I would have liked. There are, however, a few mosses that are comparatively easy to ID, and in the past few days, I've been seeing one of them. It's called Apple Moss, or, to the botanists, Bartramia pomiformis, the species name referring to those round spore containers that are abundant, now that we've had sufficient rain and warmth to convince this plant to "blossom." These April "apples" will soon open and cast their spores to the winds and water, and if each individual dust mote is lucky, it'll land on a stretch of rock suitable for growth... and being identified.