Sometimes you get lucky. And then, sometimes you get very lucky... very, very lucky. This was one of those times. I was walking Avalonia's Benedict Benson Preserve in preparation for my Earth Day Celebration guided tour this coming Saturday, and I had a fine celebratory trek. The Round-lobed Hepatica was still up and a few were blooming, so my group just might be graced with a flower show from that uncommon species. In addition, there were plenty of fern fiddleheads unrolling, Jesus Bugs walking on the water, mosses displaying spore capsules, Marsh Marigolds gilding the stream, and a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher buzzing away. This all boded well, but at the upper bridge, as I walked towards another patch of Marsh Marigolds, I noticed a small reptile catching some rays that dabbled the leaf litter. HOLY EXPLETIVE DELETED, I shrieked. This was no ordinary "sun turtle," I quickly realized. Rather, it was a Spotted Turtle, a Species of Special Concern in Connecticut, and a rare and precious find. I haven't seen a Spotted in years, so this makes Benson all the more critical.